Detox – Juice green powder


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Detoxifies your body healthy and natural with 100% natural ingredients.

DETOX: it is a mixture of more than 27 ingredients like prickly pear, oatmeal, aloe vera, xoconostle, turmeric, moringa, celery, cucumber, and lemon, among others.

Flavor: Lemon-Lime

-It has excellent properties such as vitamins, fibers, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants.
-Prevents constipation, removes high cholesterol, digestive problems, insomnia, respiratory problems, and diabetes.
-Increases defenses in the body, fights disease, and eliminates toxins.
-Helps you lose weight and is 100% natural

This is the drink that your body needs!

Dissolves in water
Content: 110g.

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