Cheese Tuna


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Availability: 15 in stock

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What we provide is known as "tuna cheese" and "tuna taffy." With the establishment of our cooperative society, we decided to adopt the name "DON ANTONIO Tuna Taffy and Tuna Cheese" to give it a recognizable name. Este producto no es fabricado por NopaliuX, en apoyo a los artesanos en dulce de nuestra región nosotros somos el medio para vender y distribuirlo a otras regiones/zonas. 

Tuna cheese is a sweet treat that's derived from the transformation of the juice of the Cardona prickly pear. It is a 100% natural confection, and due to its properties, it can be regarded as a purely organic product, as it contains no preservatives or any other additives.

Regarding the origin of the names, the prevailing belief is that the term "queso" (cheese) is used due to the form the product assumes at the end of the process. On the other hand, the word "melcocha" derives from the combination of "miel" (honey) and "cocha." It has also been suggested that it comes from the Latin "Cocta mel" or "Mel cocta," which translates to "cooked honey."

Content: 1000g - 1kg

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